Board Name | Board Description | Vacancies |
Audit Committee | Internal auditing is the cornerstone of public sector governance by providing independent and objective services to help the City achieve intended results, accountability and integrity, improve operat... | |
Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Board | The Board shall study and make recommendations to the City Commission, the County Commission, and the MTPO on all matters concerning planning, implementation, and maintenance of policies, programs, an... | |
Board of Trustees of The Consolidated Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement Plan | The Board of Trustees oversees and administers the pensions of the Police Officers and Firefighters for the City of Gainesville. | |
Citizens Advisory Committee For Community Development | The Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Development (CACCD), reviews all non-profit agency applications during the annual competitive funding cycle and makes recommendations to the City Commissi... | |
City Beautification Board | The mission of the City Beautification Board is to elevate the quality of life for the residents of Gainesville through the enhancement of the urban environment. The focus of the Board has been to add... | |
City Plan Board | The City Plan Board is a seven member citizen board appointed by the City Commission, with an additional non-voting member appointed by the Alachua County School Board. It reviews and makes recommenda... | |
Development Review Board | The Development Review Board is a 7-member citizen board that reviews development plans submitted for its review pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 30 of the Gainesville Code of Ordinances. | |
Downtown Advisory Board | The Downtown Advisory Board (DAB) is hereby created to provide recommendations on (1) the annual GCRA budget and amendments, (2) the Downtown Gainesville Strategic Plan, and (3) GCRA program developme... | |
Fire Safety Board of Adjustment | The Fire Safety Board of Adjustment serves as an Appeals Board and to the greatest extent possible are qualified by training and experience in building construction and fire safety standards, and here... | |
Gainesville Art in Public Places Trust | The Gainesville Art in Public Places Trust (APPT) is a 5-person board that serves as the advisory body to the City on public art and evaluate and select public art funded by the 1% for public art ordi... |